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6 Signs You Need to Start Using a Facial Regeneration Cream

AdminBy Dina Anderson

Date iconDecember 6, 2023

Category: Facial Regeneration

Facial Regeneration

It’s no secret that after menopause our skin goes through some drastic changes. Studies show that more than half of women experience a difference in their complexion after the change. Some of these include an increase in wrinkles, rough texture, and more overall laxity. Thankfully, science has had a few advancements to help combat the negative effect menopause has on our skin. Let’s look at what we know and why Cellabeauty’s Facial Rejuvenation Cream could help.
What Happens to Our Skin Post Menopause?
Let’s start with the science. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, during the menopausal phase, the skin experiences a rapid decline in collagen levels. Research indicates that women’s skin undergoes a reduction of approximately 30% of its collagen within the initial five years of menopause. Subsequently, the decrease becomes more gradual, with women losing about 2% of their collagen annually for the following two decades. As collagen diminishes, the firmness of our skin decreases, leading to sagging and more noticeable and permanent lines form.
What Can be Done to Combat the Loss of Collagen?
We know that none of this information sounds great, but there are some things that can help combat the signs of aging. Besides eating healthy, drinking plenty of water and wearing sunscreen, one of the best things you can do is give your skin back some of the things that help build and protect collagen levels by using a face regeneration cream. Here are 6 ways you know it’s time to start using one.

  1. 1. Increased dryness: Experiencing drier and less firm skin lately? This is a common occurrence during menopause, as the body undergoes various changes. The skin loses moisture more easily, leading to dryness, itchiness, and irritation. Due to the change in moisture levels, this often leads to overall laxity as well.
  2. 2. Fine lines and wrinkles: Due to the accelerated loss of collagen as we age, we naturally start to lose moisture and plumpness. One of the first places this affects is the skin around the eyes, mouth, and forehead.
  3. 3. Uneven skin tone and dark spots: Sometimes, dark spots on the skin can occur due to hyperpigmentation caused by factors like sun exposure, aging, or hormonal changes. This is another common side effect of menopause, specifically due to the fluctuation in hormones.
  4. 4. Increased Skin Sensitivity: If your skin seems to be getting red more easily or certain products make it feel irritated, you may have sensitive skin. As we age, our skin naturally thins due to the decrease of its protective fat layer.
  5. 5. Slower Skin Cell Renewal: What is it exactly? Skin cell renewal is the process our skin goes through to replace old skin cells with new ones. When we’re young, this process is fast and constant. But as we age, it starts to slow down. This means that the old, tired cells tend to hang around on our skin’s surface longer than it once did, resulting in a less smooth and more dull appearance.
  6. 6. Dull and Lifeless skin: Due to the natural aging process, our skin tends to lose its natural shine and vibrancy over time. This is mostly due to slower skincell renewal. Other things like environmental effects, lack of moisture, or even daily stress can also play a contribution to making our skin look less lively and bright as it once was.

Why Facial Regeneration Cream?
If you are starting to see any of the 6 signs stated above, it may be time for a facial regeneration cream to combat them. Now that we have established why we see more drastic signs of aging post menopause, let’s look at some of the ingredients in Facial Regeneration Cream and see how it helps maintain a more youthful complexion and fight visible signs of aging.
The Ingredients and What They Do:

  • Eternal extract: Created using the enchanting “Ageless Apple,” Eternal Extract has been scientifically validated to aid in the revitalization of the skin, restoring its youthful resilience, tautness, and radiance by specifically addressing the process known as “epidermal aging.”
  • Resveratrol: Added to the formula to further enhance the results, research from Harvard suggests this is one of the best ingredients to brighten and awaken tired, dull complexions
  • Alpha-Glucan: A premium prebiotic and probiotic that effectively nourishes the skin’s outer layer with beneficial bacteria, resulting in a vibrant and glowing appearance.
  • Hydrolyzed Marine Collagen: To assist in rejuvenating the skin and restoring its youthful radiance, these collagen proteins enhance youthfulness. Collagen, often referred to as the adhesive that maintains beauty, complements Eternal Extract perfectly on its quest to revive the skin’s natural glow.

Facial Regeneration Cream FAQ

How do I use it?

This cream is meant to be used as the last step in your skincare routine. Apply after cleansing and toning the face in the morning and evening.

What areas of concern does Facial Regeneration Cream help most?

Facial Regeneration Cream addresses wrinkles and thin fragile skin around the face and neck. It’s formulated specifically for loose, saggy skin.

How long until I see results?

Although most women see results within the first 21 days, doctors recommend sticking with the product 90-180 days to see the most dramatic changes. Good skincare products take time to re-work the skin at a cellular level, so it’s important to use the product as directed and give it the time needed to see the most optimal results.

How long does a single jar last?

All our bottles are filled so that you should be able to comfortably apply the formula once or twice a day for an entire month.

To purchase Facial Regeneration Cream and see reviews, click here.

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