Wisdom is not the only thing that comes with old age. In fact, growing older also means getting wrinkles, dark spots, and other skin issues too. As you grow older, your skin goes through many changes. Unfortunately, we can’t turn back time and stay young forever.
But that doesn’t mean you can’t keep your skin youthful. The key to keeping your skin radiant and youthful is with the help of a routine. This routine, created by experts at CellaBeauty, will make you look ten years younger.
Steps to Follow for Younger and Healthier Skin
Here are a few steps that you should follow to stay youthful:
1. Cleanse Your Face Twice a Day
No matter what type of skin you have, cleansing is one of the basic skincare needs that everyone should follow. Use a cleanser twice a day and choose a formula that’s suited to your skin type. It will help you get rid of all the dirt in the pores and remove the toxins from your skin.
You can also start exfoliating your skin twice or thrice every week, depending on your skin. It will help get rid of any dead skin cells that build up.
2. Apply Moisturizers
As you age, your skin begins to dry up. Therefore, it is important to use moisturizers to keep your skin hydrated and moisturized. One of the major reasons wrinkles develop is a lack of hydration.
Look for a moisturizer that suits your skin and has components such as glycerine and hyaluronic acid. Petroleum jelly and oil can also keep the water in your skin from evaporating and help it stay hydrated. But make sure you’re cleansing your skin properly before applying oils and creams.
3. Make Serums Your Best Friend
Once your skin is all clean, you can also apply a serum. The best thing about serums is that it is effective on just about all skin types and help hydrate and repair your skin. All you have to do is add 3-4 drops of serum to your skin and gently apply it to your face until it absorbs.
There are plenty of serums on the market, but CellaBeauty’s Deep Rejuvenating Serum is considered one of the best to keep skin feeling youthful and fresh.
4. Apply Sunscreen
Applying sunscreen is one of the most important aspects of keeping your skin looking young. Many women neglect it and face the consequences as a result.
Make sure to apply sunscreen at the start of your day, just after you wake up. Sunlight and rays can prove dangerous for your skin. It can cause wrinkles, dark spots, and dehydration. Therefore, it is important to apply it before heading out.
5. Use Facial Regeneration Cream
With the help of CellaBeauty’s Facial Regeneration Cream, you can increase the regeneration of skin cells that will help you look young. It uses a natural extract to ensure results within a few weeks. Using these creams is a great way to look young and beautiful.
We want you to be impressed with CellaBeauty as quickly as possible so while our solutions are formulated to work fast, we want to remind you that these aren’t fads or miracle creams and results take time.
Most women see some results they’re thrilled with in the first 21 days and even better results when they commit to the doctor recommended 90-180 day cycles.
Absolutely. The science behind CellaBeauty is rock-solid. We’ve seen the results first-hand and have no doubts over what it can do for women of all ages.Therefore, we’re not just guaranteeing your results for 60 days like others do, we’re guaranteeing them for life.Yes… You have all of eternity to try our Eternal Extract formulas and if you don’t adore how it visibly reduces wrinkles, firms loose skin and takes years off your appearance then you won’t pay for a single bottle – even if they’re empty!Our customer service team only wants what’s best for you so you don’t even have to give them a reason and there won’t be any hassle.
All our bottles are filled so that you should be able to comfortably apply the formula once or twice a day for an entire month.
CellaBeauty is growing fast, largely due to word of mouth, doctor referrals and being shared on mainstream websites so IF you can order then we generally limit it to 6-12 bottles a customer.Due to demand putting constant stress on our supply and smart women stocking up, we are often running low or totally out of some products so if you do want to try CellaBeauty and there’s no “Out of Stock” sign on this page, it’s best to order now.
You’re completely safe. We take your privacy and peace of mind very seriously so there are always state-of-the-art security measures in place to keep you and your personal information secure.If you’re still unsure about ordering online then feel free to call our friendly team at (888) 542-9822 and they’ll happily get you started on your journey to younger skin.
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* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.